
How to Know If my Piercing is Healed?

You have been following the cleaning routine of your piercing holes religiously. You can’t wait to finally wear those gold loops that make you feel like Beyoncé. But you know you shouldn’t remove the initial earrings until the piercing is healed.

But how do you know the piercing is healed?

In this post, we cover the healing process of a piercing and signs that it is healed.

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Piercing 101 : Best and Worst Metal for Ear and Nose Piercing

Piercings are stylish and chic but need to be done with the highest quality metal to avoid inflammation due to skin irritation. Several metals are classified as safe for body piercing and others aren’t. It is important to pay close attention to what you put on your body as the wrong type of metal can stall the body’s healing process or cause an allergic reaction.

In this post, we discuss the best and worst metals for ear and nose piercings so you can make an informed decision.

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When Should Ears Get Pierced?

Have you seen all the people with their ears pierced? From babies to grannies and teen boys.Ear piercings are aesthetic enhancements that have been around for centuries. That's because they are an easy way to enhance one's beauty.

But, what is the appropriate age to have piercings done?

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