Nose Piercing Aftercare instructions - During the healing period

Never touch the nose piercing jewellery with unclean hands. Do not pick your nose.2/
Wash your new nose piercing on the outside of the nose twice a day. Do not remove the jewellery when cleansing:
When showering/washing your hair, use liquid soap and rinse thoroughly with clean running water. Dry with a Kleenex or Q-tip.+
Supplementary cleansing is done with Blomdahl Piercing Aftercare cleansing swabs, which are gentle on the skin. The swabs make it possible to clean between the jewellery and the skin on the outside of your nose. Allow to air dry. Use a new cleansing swab for each ear, each time. Note! Do not clean with alcohol.
Make sure that the area around the holes are kept clean, dry and airy at all times.4/
Cover your nose when applying makeup, hair spray, spray perfume, hair dye, etc.
The nose piercing jewellery has no butterfly inside the nose, only an olive shaped tip which gives it a certain amount of protection against sliding out of the newly pierced nose during the healing period. Depending on how swollen your nose becomes on the inside, the nose piercing jewellery may want to slide out. If this happens press the jewellery back into place with a clean finger. Take extra care when putting on/pulling off clothing over your head, when you wash and dry your face, and when you blow your nose. When sleeping we recommend that you have a plaster over the jewellery as a form of protection.6/
You have a sharp point inside your nose - refrain from activities that could cause damage to your nose.7/
Bathing in a swimming pool, lake or sea: wait for as long as possible after the medical nose piercing and avoid keeping your head underwater. When you come out of the water: cleanse with liquid soap or Blomdahl Piercing Aftercare cleansing swabs – see point 2 above.8/
After about 4 weeks, you can change to a new piece of nose jewellery. Wash your hands and the outside of your nose thoroughly. Carefully remove the nose piercing jewellery and put in a new, clean piece of nose jewellery.
It takes up to a year before the holes are completely healed after medical nose piercing. Hence consider the following:
Always wear nose jewellery. If you take them out, the holes can shrink and/or close completely.+
Take extra care when changing nose jewellery. The skin that has grown within the hole is thin and fragile and can easily tear, which may cause an infection. Therefore, always make sure to wash your jewellery and hands before the change, and make sure that the area around the hole is kept clean, dry and airy.+
The risk of developing a contact allergy is at its greatest during the first year. This is why it is extra important to wear safe nose jewellery during this time. Blomdahl has developed skin friendly jewellery suitable for everybody and especially for those who have just pierced their nose.
In some rare cases, redness/swelling/pain/rashes are indicative of a possible infection. Remove the jewellery, cleanse and seek immediate medical attention.